Do you want to apply for asylum?


In order to seek asylum in the Netherlands you have to submit an asylum application, which is a written request for a residence permit for a set amount of time. An asylum seeker may be eligible for a residence permit if t qualify as a refugee in accordance with the United Nations Refugee Convention. According to the Convention, a refugee is any person who has a well-founded fear of persecution (threat to life or freedom) in their country of origin for the following reasons:

  • Race
  • Religion
  • Nationality
  • Political opinion
  • Membership of a particular social group

Foreign nationals seeking asylum must report to the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND). After identification and registration, asylum seekers are transferred to a nearby reception centre where t are given at least six days to recover from their journey. After this recovery period the IND will proceed with the asylum procedure, during which the asylum seeker must provide their account of what happened to them.

The IND will ask questions similar to the following:

  • Where are you from?
  • How did you arrive in the Netherlands?
  • Why did you flee from your country of origin?
  • Why do you fear returning?

Essentially, the IND are trying to determine the credibility of an asylum story.

What can a lawyer do for you?

A lawyer who specialises in immigration law can help you with your asylum application. It is extremely beneficial to have an immigration lawyer present during discussions with the IND, as the answers given will determine the approval or rejection of your asylum application. The presence of a lawyer, who has detailed knowledge of the asylum procedure, will only increase the likelihood that your asylum request will be granted. T can also help with an appeal if your application is rejected.

A lawyer doesn’t have to be expensive!

This will be apparent from the price indications that you will receive from various lawyers.
You may also be eligible for a government reimbursement that provides for the costs of legal aid. Do not hesitate to contact us if you any need advice, or simply visit to register your case.

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